Regulations Slider
Regulations Slider

Safety is the reason for regulations.

Safety is the reason for regulations.

The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway bascule drawbridge is manned 24/7. Drawbridge operators may be reached on VHF-16 , the marine radio hailing and distress frequency, or by telephone at (504) 836-5442. Due to heavy vehicular traffic, the drawbridge is not opened during weekday commuting hours, 5:30 am to 9:30 am and 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. To schedule an opening at other times, please contact us at least three hours prior to your desired opening time.

The majority of Causeway spans are about 10’ above the average lake water level. The drawbridge is located at the 16.0 mile marker on the Causeway Bridge (8 miles from the Northshore), and when closed, provides a 45’ clearance for vessels. A fixed high rise is located at the 8.0 mile marker on the Causeway Bridge (8 miles from the Southshore) and provides a 50’ clearance for vessels. Three low rises are located at the 4 mile marker, 12 mile marker, and the 20 mile marker on the Causeway Bridge and provide 25’ clearance for vessels.

The GNOEC operates a Vessel Traffic Service on Lake Pontchartrain. Commercial vessels should contact our drawbridge via radio when entering Lake Pontchartrain and are tracked on radar while traversing the lake. There is a one mile prohibited zone for large vessels on both the east and west sides of the Causeway Bridge for its entire length. Large vessels must obtain prior permission to operate or work within the prohibited zone.

DOT, Coast Guard Regulations
33 CFR Part 117
117.467 Lake Pontchartrain

(b) The draw of the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission Causeway shall open on signal if at least three hours notice is given; except that, the draw need not be opened for the passage of vessels Monday through Friday except Federal holidays from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., and from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. The draw will open on signal for any vessel in distress or vessel waiting immediately following the closures listed above.

Dated: October 25,2001
Roy J. Casto,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Commander,
Eight Coast Guard District.
[FR Doc. 01-27875 Filed 11-6-01; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE: 4910-15-P

Draw Bridge Closure Schedule per DOT, Coast Guard
Regulations 33 CFR Part 117.467

Draw Bridged closed Monday thru Friday except Federal Holidays
5:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m.
Exception vessels in distress.

Bascule draw bridge operator monitors marine 16 hail and distress frequency 24 hours a day.
Bascule operator can also be reached thru police dispatch (504) 835-3116.

P.O. Box 7656
Metairie, LA 70010

Horizontal Clearance 125’ 125’
Vertical Clearance (closed) 45’ 45’
Horizontal Clearance 150’ 150’
Vertical Clearance (closed) 50’ 50’
Horizontal Clearance 55’ 55’
Vertical Clearance (closed) 25’ 25’
Number of Bridge Spans 1500 2243
Normal Clearance 15′ 16′

Mile marker numbers begin at the south end of the bridge.

Information Displayed To Marine Traffic
Draw bridge closure schedule per DOT,
Coast guard regulations 33 CFR part 117

Draw bridge closed Monday thru Friday
Except Federal holidays 5:30 AM to 9:30 AM
And 3 P.M. until 7 P.M.

Exception vessels in distress
bridge operator requires 3 hours notice to open

Bascule bridge operator monitors marine
16 hail and distress frequency 24 hours a day
Bascule operator can also be reached thru
Police dispatch at 504-835-3116
GNOEC P.O. box 7656 Metairie, LA 70010

See Previous Toggle: For Coast Guard Regulation 33 CFR Part 117

Weight and Size Limits Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission NOTE: Gross Vehicle and Axle weights noted are for general guidance. Actual weight limits are based on the width of tire on the steer axle, axle combinations and statutory limits. See the most current edition of the LOUISIANA REGULATIONS FOR TRUCKS, VEHICLES AND LOADS published by the LaDOTD for actual weight limit for your vehicle.

Weight Limits
Maximum Tire Weight
650 Pounds per inch width of tire

Maximum Gross Weight
88,000 Pounds

Size Limits
Maximum Width Vehicle Width except buses – 8′-6″
Loads shall project not more than 12 inches beyond the vehicle body width.

Maximum Height
Height – 14′-6″

Maximum Length
Single Vehicle – 45 Feet Combination Vehicles – 65 Feet